Energy efficiency on top of priority list
From new investment and maintenance issues to process optimisation: Pfeifer's energy experts are involved in all projects relevant to energy consumption. “Optimisation has a high priority within the Group,” says Bastian Schrems about generous investment freedom to identify energy efficiency potential:
Integrated production at its site is the most important consequence of this strategic orientation. This means that the value creation chain is deliberately closed as 100 per cent of round timber are processed on site. The benefits of this zero-waste principle are clear: The company’s own biomass stations produce carbon neutral heat and power which are mostly used by the company itself, but also fed into the public grid. Refinement into various wood products on site additionally reduces truck travel in the plants’ vicinity. Promoting rail transport is another way for the company to signal how it embodies sustainability. Via the company's own rail systems, 3 Pfeifer sites have already been connected to the inter(national) freight transport network. To secure the site's long-term existence, Pfeifer will invest approx. 16 million Euros into Lauterbach’s connection to the rail network in 2020/2021. The volume of goods transported by means of freight trains and inter-model transport has been on the rise for years which allowed the company to save huge amounts of carbon emissions.