Pfeifer Holz GmbH & Co KG, with its sites Imst and Kundl is one of the first companies of the Austrian timber industry certified according to the energy management system ISO 50001. According to this system, already five sites of the Pfeifer Group have been successfully certified and have therefore an internationally recognized proof of their effective energy management.
ISO 50001 is a worldwide standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which supports organisations and businesses in the creation of a systematic energy management.
the introduction of an energy management system is substantially voluntary; there are no certification duties provided by the law.
A systematic energy management is based on recording the energy flows in a business (energy sources, energy use, energy consumption) and on the evaluation of the energy efficiency status, in particular of the total energy consumption of significant plants/installations and processes/activities. This recording represents the foundation for the implementation both of technical measures to improve the energy efficiency and of strategic and organizational management approaches. Organization and technical measures lead to a systematic and longer-term improvement of energy efficiency.
Pfeifer Holding GmbH
Fabrikstraße 54 · A-6460 Imst
Tel. +43 5412 6960 0
Fax +43 5412 6960 200